Mitey Feathers Cream 1KG
Mitey Feathers Cream 1KG
Mitey Feathers Cream 1KG

Mitey Feathers Cream 1KG

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Mitey Feathers Cream - 1KG

A heavy horse leg cream for application on sore, scabby and itchy skin; to repel feather mites (Chorioptic Bovis mite) and to condition the skin and hair; with antibacterial properties.
Emollient cream contains: Cedarwood oil, Rosemary oil, Basil oil and Vitamin E.
No harmful chemicals, silicone or mineral oils. Mitey Feathers has naturally repelling qualities and contains a natural pharmacutical grade repellent; approved for the safe and effective use to control feather mite infestation.
Mitey Feathers Cream can be applied to the feather and legs of any horse breed to benefit the skin by soothing, hydrating and reducing inflamtion.
Mitey Feathers Cream can be applied prior to exposure to all weather conditions without risk of adverse effects.
Mitey Feathers Cream leaves the hair silky and protected.
Mitey Feathers Cream should be applied into the heel, onto the skin and evenly through the feather, approximately 50ml per leg; apply upto 2 times per week; washing out the product is not necessary.
Please follow the directions of use provided.
Please watch our video guide on how to apply:
Old Style Horse Remedies
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