Apple Bit Balm 250ml
Apple Bit Balm 250ml
Apple Bit Balm 250ml

Apple Bit Balm 250ml

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Apple Bit Balm - 250ml

A natural soothing apple flavoured balm that moistens, heals and encourages bit acceptance with Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter, acting as a barrier against rubbing and chaffing.

APPLE BIT BALM is a soothing recipe that when applied to the corners of the horse's mouth, prevents rubbing  and chaffing of the bit, allowing for a more comfortable experience for the horse.

The natural ingredients used include Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil & Shea Butter moistens the skin whilst the beeswax acts as a barrier. The added Apple flavour gives the formula a pleasant smell & taste encouraging the horse's acceptance of the bit.  The balm may also be used to warm the bit during cold weather or cleaning the bit.

Directions for use:
Apply generously to the corners of the horse's mouth & lips prior to the bit and the mouthpiece of the bit.

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